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Papers On China & Chinese Issues
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China's New Economy for the New Millennium
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A 12 page paper discussing China's great economic gains since the end of the late-1990s Asian currency crisis. China has proven itself to be more than "just" another developing nation seeking to take advantage of temporary advantages for short-term gain. Rather, indicators point toward a nation taking concrete steps to building positive and long-term benefits, taking into account the needs of both the government and the people. China led the world in advances for centuries, but its intended isolation and later full embrace of communism stymied the economic growth it could have enjoyed long ago. It seems now to be poised to rectify past oversights, creating a hybrid of economic reality and ideology that can satisfy ingrained and long-standing philosophy. The paper examines such factors such as GDP, balance of trade, private ownership, and others. Bibliography lists 20 sources.
Filename: KSChinaEcon00.wps

China's Nuclear Weaponry Proliferation
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10 pages in length. Since the time of Hiroshima, there has been an overwhelming sense of comfort and safety associated with the nuclear bomb, just as long as one is on the side with such fierce power. The United States has paved the way for China when it comes to yielding the political strength that inherently comes with nuclear weapons, attempting to educate the world about the pros and cons of such cataclysmic implements of war. Bibliography lists 20 sources.
Filename: TLCchnuc.wps

China's One Child Policy
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An 8 page paper which examines China's one child policy as it relates to law and society. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: RAchnone.rtf

China's One-Child Policy
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This 5 page paper first provides a historical look at population control policies in China since the 1950s and how the first three were abandoned for specific reasons. The last one, the one-child policy, is explained, including its exceptions and where it has been most successful. The policy is evaluated in terms of intended and unintended outcomes. The harsh enforcement methods are also discussed. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: PGchnp.rtf

China's One-Child Policy / Economic Perspective On Governmental Control
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A 10 page paper that provides an overview of the issues related to China's limitations on child rearing and considers the impacts in terms of national economics. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: Chinaone.doc

China's One-Child Policy Act
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10 pages in length. The explosive opposition to China's one-child policy act has been supported by incidents of inhumane proportions. Given the fact that large families are representative of China's inherent history, imposing restrictions that allow only one child per family --otherwise leaving the parents to face fines, taxes and the absence of governmental support -- has been looked upon as barbarous for such a developed nation. Issues of hostility toward women and the overwhelming statistical evidence of abortion-related medical concerns have turned what once might have been a reasonably good idea into one that carries with it significant drawbacks with regard to human life. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: TLCChin1.rtf

China's Political Structure
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6 pages in length. The writer discusses China's quest for democracy and how its people participate in the political process. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: TLCChinP.rtf

China's Railroads
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A 5 page research paper that examines the growth of China's railroads and relates this to the industrial development of the country as a whole. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: 99chrr.wps

China's Self-Strengthening Movement
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An 8 page paper discussing China's efforts to benefit from contact with the West in the late 19th century, for the purposes of learning about the Western technology in which China was lacking. One historian notes that most attempts to explain the China of today stems from examination of events of the 20th century only, but that the introspection, realizations and ultimate failure of the self-strengthening movement likely have had greater impact in shaping China today. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: KSchinSelfStren.rtf

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This 10-page paper examines the rapid expansion of China's economy and its impact on its neighbors (as well as synergies created through expansion). Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: MTchisyn.rtf

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