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Papers On Disease, Treatment, & Epidemiology
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Diethyl Ether
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This 5 page paper considers this drug as a member of the oxygen-containing functional groups. The writer places this drug in to context of its functional group, then considers how it has been used as an anaesthetic and the drugs' historical development. After this the writer looks at its' chemical formula and give a comprehensive outline of its' physical properties. The bibliography cites 6 sources.
Filename: TEether1.rtf

Digital Imaging in Radiology
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A 5 page overview of the many advantages of digital imaging in radiology. Emphasizes that technological improvements have occurred in practically every aspect of radiology, both in diagnostic techniques and in treatment techniques. Contends that digital imaging in particular is an important advancement which will propel the technique well into the future. With digital imaging comes many new possibilities in terms of data management and patient care. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Filename: PPradDig.wps

Disease - Causing Parasite / Leishmania Donovani
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Leishmani Donovani is a parasite carried by flies and known to have wiped out nearly 70% of the population in one region of the Southern Sudan from the late 1980's through the early 1990's. Issues concerning geographic spreading of the parasite & its disease course/symptoms, variations of Leishmania Donovani, etc; -- are examined in this 9 page report. Bibliography lists 9 scholarly sources-- predominately from medical journals.
Filename: Leishman.wps

Disease - Causing Parasite / Onchocerca Volvulus
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8 pages in length. A detailed discussion of Onchocerca Volvulus, a parasitic worm known to cause "river blindness" and death in certain regions of Africa. The condition caused by this parasite is specifically known as onchocerciasis-- and in this report its range, frequency, symptoms, epidemiology, effects, and clinical diagnosis are examined closely. Projects being undertaken to control the problem are also discussed. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: Onchocer.wps

Disease Control in the Summer Camp/Day Care Situation: Escherichia coli
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A 6 page discussion of the potential impacts of Escherichia coli in the summer camp/day care situation. Describes the epidemiology of the disease, emphasizing the 1994 outbreak at a Virginia summer camp which affected a total of twenty children and counselors. Outlines the importance of preventative measures in food storage, preparation, and serving as well as personal hygiene and such organizational concerns as clean drinking water and swimming areas. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: PPeColi3.wps

Eating Disorders and Teenage Girls -- The Role of the Media
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This 5 page report discusses eating disorders and the role played by the media in their development. Some of the modern world�s most pervasive images are those of what it means to be beautiful. Television, print media, movies, in fact, anything to do with modern popular culture shows that beauty equates with thinness -- primarily for women. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: BWeatdis.wps

Eating Disorders � Causes
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A 4 page paper. Eating disorders are complex with no single cause. Research has identified a number of factors that can influence the development of an eating disorder. These factors are categorized as: psychological, interpersonal, socio-cultural and biological. Each of these categories are discussed in this essay. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: PGeatds.rtf

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This 5 page paper discusses the implications of Ebola, a viral hemorrhagic fever that is one of the deadliest of all known infectious diseases. The writer addresses its definition, causes, symptoms, treatment and current research. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: Ebolafev.wps

Ebola Hemorrhagic Virus
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A 10 page overview of Ebola, its history and its manifestations. Bibliography lists seven sources.
Filename: Ebolavir.wps

Ebola: The Novel and the Disease
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This 10 page paper analyzes the book Ebola by William Close. Close was in Zaire during the first outbreak of the disease. The novel represents a true life event and is evaluated in terms of characterization but non-fictional elements are discussed as well. Actual information about Ebola is presented. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: SA146Ebo.rtf

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