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Papers On Medical Ethics
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Assisted Suicide: Education Over Legal Infiltration
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8 pages in length. Allowing a person the same inherent right to die that accompanies the right to live is to respect the fact that people are free to make any and all choices that pertain to their individuality. Just because one person believes it is unethical for a doctor to commit physician-assisted suicide does not mean that this is the deciding factor; rather, what stands as opinion can be taken only for opinion and not law. A terminally ill patient who elects to be euthanized in order to escape the ravages of pain is not in a position to be judged. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: TLCsuici.wps

Australia: Law And Ethics Of Euthanasia
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5 pages in length. The concept of right to die is one that prevents terminally ill patients from having to endure one more moment of an artificial existence. Being kept alive through the intervention of drugs and other invasive treatments goes against the very grain of what is known as one's quality of life. In order to have quality of life, the patient must be in such a frame of mind and body where life is a pleasure and not merely a perpetual struggle. A person who is suffering from a terminal illness inevitably experiences many things that negatively impact the daily routine; it is not long before the patient is forced to depend upon others to do many of the menial tasks that once were a simple part of everyday life. As this occurs, individuals encounter feelings of worthlessness and inadequacy, believing that they have become a burden to those around them. Australian law recognized these issues when the Northern Territory legalized active voluntary euthanasia and assisted suicide in 1995; with this legislation, the terminally ill breathed a heavy sigh of relief. However, the laws affecting euthanasia are complex and differ from State to State in Australia. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: TLCAusEu.wps

Baby Owens: When Medical Professionals and Parents Clash
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A 4 page examination of the ethics and law surrounding an infant diagnoses with Downs Syndrome and duodenal atresia. The baby needed medical intervention to survive. The baby's parents, however, refused treatment on the basis of their religious beliefs. The parents were Jehovas' Witnesses and believed that medical interventions such as blood transfusions were prohibited by the Bible itself. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: PPmedRf2.rtf

Back To The Future of Gene Therapy
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Shaywitz and Ausiello, in their article, Back To The Future, Medicine and Our Genes, argue that the emerging gene sciences will reunite the patient, doctor and researcher in ways not seen since the 19th and early 20th centuries. This 5 page paper proposes that, in exploring the issues concerned with gene therapy, it seems as though the judgment of Shaywitz and Ausiello is well within the ethical bounds of religious and medical tenets. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: KTknethy.rtf

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This 3-page paper answers some questions about the difficult issue of sperm harveseting, following the death (or in this case, the brain death) of a man, whose wife wanted to have his child. The two had discussed while he was alive, and this paper addresses the pros and cons of her request. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: MTbimeet.rtf

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An 8 page research paper that discusses the ethics of randomized clinical trials using placebos versus the duty of physicians to act in the best interests of their patients. The 2000 revision of the Declaration of Helsinki and its ramifications are discussed, delineating the debate that surrounds this issue. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: khbioeth.rtf

Bioethics And Nazi Human Experimentation
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A 26 page paper. Four questions were posed for this paper; the responses to those questions are embedded in the text. Those questions are: Is it morally acceptable to use data obtained in Nazi Germany during World War II? Is the data so valuable that we should allow its use for treatments, etc.? By using the data, are we complicit or condoning the data procurement? Is the Jewish Community taking a unique stand, regarding their position? A lot of background is needed before addressing these issues. The paper first explains what bioethics is and identifies some of the issues in bioethics. The paper discusses the long history of medical experiments on humans. This moves the discussion into the human experiments conducted in the Nazi concentration camps. The next section provides some background on Jewish bioethics and comments on other religious groups who share the same opinions. Bioethical dilemmas directly related to the questions are discussed. The last section responds directly to the initial questions. Bibliography lists 17 sources.
Filename: PGbiomdx.RTF

Bioethics: Should Parents Be Able to Control the Genetic Makeup of their Unborn Child?
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This 4 page paper considers whether parents should be able to control their unborn child's genetic makeup. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: HVBioEth.rtf

Breast Cancer Research & Ethics
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A 6 page research paper that examines ethical conflicts in research, focusing specifically problematic areas that have arisen in breast cancer research. A literature review is offered and then discussion addresses such issues as what this information reveals about various ethical conflict in research, such as patient consent, benefits to patients and society, therapeutic research, etc. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: khbceths.rtf

Bristol-Meyers and the Ethics of AIDS Research
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This 3 page paper discusses the ethical implications of Bristol-Meyers� use of African villagers in an AIDS drug testing experiment, and argues that despite its clear statement of its intentions, the company was unethical in its conduct, since it used the villagers as a means to an end. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Filename: HVBMyers.rtf

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