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Papers On Health Care
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Psychological Services And Managed Care
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The future of mental health services is found within the two methods of provision: mainstream or through the same MCO that provides both health and mental health services and 'carve out' method whereby a separate MCO is used to provide mental health services on a contracted basis. This 20 page paper explores the issues involved in the increased reliance on managed care for mental health services. Bibliography lists 14 sources.
Filename: KTpsyman.wps

Public Health Dentistry
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This 5 page paper provides an overview of the history of public health dentistry in the United States with a focus on its related organizations. Various subjects are discussed inclusive of water fluoridation and cosmetic dentistry. The paper concludes with the future outlook of the profession. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: SA040DDS.wps

Public Health Nursing's Role in Preventing and Treating Chlamydia
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This 5 page paper provides an overview of the disease as well as the public health nurse's role in campaigns against the illness. Campaigns in various countries are explored. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: SA113chl.wps

Quality of Hospital Care for Terminal Cancer Patients (A Literature Review)
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This 6 page literature review looks at complaints from patients and their families in situations where individuals are dying of cancer. Several studies are noted and anecdotal pieces are included as well. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: SA237cnr.rtf

Quality Of Life As An Outcome Measure: Political And Ethical Implications
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6 pages in length. Since the very first move toward humanizing the medical industry, quality of life has been a standard for measuring a patient's outcome. Indeed, while there may be medical procedures still to be applied to a particular disease or condition, the individual's quality of life must first be considered before deciding to implement further treatment. What is quality of life and why is it so important to patient care? In the context of patient care, quality of life represents the extent to which an individual can continue living his or her normal existence without the overwhelming presence of invasive medical procedures or treatments. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: TLCqualt.wps

Quantitative Nursing Research: Reducing Costs While Increasing Quality
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An 8 page proposal for a quantitative study addressing the effects that a primary nursing structure can have on nursing home costs while also achieving better patient outcome. All health care costs continue to increase despite managed care, regulatory insurer and individual efforts to halt the spiral. These cost increases have not spared the skilled nursing facility (SNF), which in fact has additional issues with which to contend. The ongoing nursing shortage has meant for SNFs that they have fewer RNs available to them and that recruiting and retention has become more costly over the past several years. The situation as it exists is expected to intensify in coming years as the baby boomers now approach retirement age. Primary nursing appears to offer a solution that can lower costs, increase quality of care and increase turnaround time in receiving payment for Medicare patients. Bibliography lists 13 sources.
Filename: KSnursResCosts.rtf

Questions: Research Methods and Validity
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A 6 page paper answering four questions centered on research considerations, particularly as they apply to nursing. Subjects include the value of qualitative as well as quantitative research; avoiding bias; and the purpose of the hypothesis. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: KSnursResQu.rtf

Rationing Health Care / The Only Alternative
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A 5 page overview of the economic and emotional issues of health care rationing. Includes material on the Oregon experiment and the argument that rationing is not only an economic necessity but also a humanistic necessity. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: Hlthrat.wps

Reengineering Of Health Care Systems
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This 19 page paper looks at the current situation in the infrastructure of the health care services, and consider the need for improved quality by greater emphasis on the nursing aspect rather than financial measures. The paper undertakes a literature review and uses the results of this to propose a new model for the health care systems, with a proposal for a study to look at the hypothesis formed and test the paradigm.
Filename: TEresthc.wps

Research Proposal: Patient Records Waiting Times
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A 5 page paper proposing investigation of the time required for patients requesting records to receive them. The paper proposes combining quantitative and qualitative approaches, quantitative to establish time studies along each point of the request fulfillment process, qualitative to determine patients� perceptions of the time required to fill their records requests. Researchers anticipate exposing one or more points along the process path that can be altered to reduce patient waiting time and thereby improve perceived quality of service. They expect to be able to identify points during the process at which they can improve the process of supplying records to waiting patients. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: KSresPropWait.rtf

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