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Papers On Mythology
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The Effect Of The Resurrection On Christians
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A 3 page essay discussing the resurrection of Christ according to the gospel and how it affects Christian life today. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: Jesusres.wps

The Influence of Jesus
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This 5 page paper explores the life and times of Jesus Christ and how he affected religion. The historical Jesus is compared with the spiritual Christ and archeological finds of the era are noted. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: Jesusinf.wps

The Miracles Of Jesus
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A 5 page paper that explores the reactions of the people at the time Jesus performed miracles compared to the reactions of those in today's world. There is a significant difference in the acceptance level between the two eras. An inspirational and factual paper that briefly discusses selective belief, a new concept. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: Jesmrcl.wps

The Temptation Of Christ And Adam / A Comparison
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This 2 page paper compares the temptation of Adam and Eve to that of Jesus Christ. Both similarities and differences are discussed. No bibliography.
Filename: Tempt.wps

Celtic Druid Priests
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Rituals and Ritual Sites - An 18 page comprehensive paper on Druids. In the course of the paper, the writer details Druid ritualistic practices and religious beliefs (including Stonehenge), Druid philosophy, and Druid history & mythology, and then goes on to describe the available sources of information on Druid priests. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: Druids2.wps

Khazars and Judaizers
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This 7 page report discusses the medieval world of Khazaria, a Judaic warrior kingdom that was the crossroads of culture and trade between Byzantium, the Arab Empire, and Russia during the early to middle years of the medieval timeframe. The Judaizers were those earliest believers in the Christian Church that Gentile Christians should also adhere to Mosaic law. Their beliefs and practices resulted in one of the first great controversies of the ancient Christian faith. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: BWkhaz.rtf

Warriors v. Women in Greek Mythology
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A 7 page essay on the unequal and unjust roles assigned to women in Greek society as expressed in mythology. The writer focuses on plays by Aeschylus, Euripides and Homer, and on the characters Agamemnon, Clytemnestra, Odysseus, Calypso, and Helen. The writer also expresses the overall purpose of the play in terms of syncretic assimilation of Troy and also of the house of Agamemnon. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: Cngrkmyt.wps

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A 5 page paper discussing the use of imagination in the book titled, 'The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fist Fight in Heaven,' by Sherman Alexie. This book, filled with many hard-hitting and often humorous stories, uses imagination in many ways. On the surface the use of imagination is obviously used in light of the fact that Native Americans are often considered to be highly imaginative individuals. But beyond the surface lies some very real pain and suffering that can only be escaped from through the use of imagination on the part of the story's creator as well as the story's characters. No additional sources cited.
Filename: Lonetont.wps

Peyote & The Sacred Pipe / Their Use in Native American Religions
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A 5 page overview of two items of extreme importance to some Native American cultures, the Sacred Pipe and peyote. Describes the use of each and stresses that these are items of religion which deserve the same respect shown for any other religious object such as a crucifix or Star of David. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: Peyote.wps

A Comparison Between Jeremiah & Moses
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A 10 page comparison of the two prophets in relationship to their contrasting responsibilities to the Israelites: one to lead them out of slavery, the other to explain why they had lost their freedom and also to give them hope for the future. The paper compares and contrasts the writings, biblical and others, that describe their responsibilities, and how similarities and contrasts between the two work to maintain a continuity of religious information, while reflecting societal changes. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: Mosjere.wps

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