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Papers On Mythology
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Buddhism vs. Hinduism
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A 6 page paper that provides a comparative overview of both religions. The writer concludes by considering some similarities and differences that exist between these two religions and Roman Catholocism. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: Buddhin.wps

Buddhism vs. Hinduism / A Comparative Study
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A 6 page paper that discusses & compares the two religions from an historical perspective up to the current day. The paper discusses the laws and teachings governing the two communities, and the religious goals of enlightenment. 1 bibliographical reference listed.
Filename: Hindbudd.wps

Religion, Reincarnation, & The Concept Of An Afterlife
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An 8 page paper that discusses the importance of reincarnation and the afterlife in 3 major world religions, Catholicism, Buddhism and Hinduism. This paper contends that Hinduism recognizes the all-importance of reincarnation, while Buddhism and Catholicism both look to alternatives in the afterlife. But there are moments in both Buddhism and Catholicism when members of both religions consider the possibility and/or probability of reincarnation.
Filename: Afterlif.wps

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The controversial issue is explored in this 6 page paper. Three countries, Japan, Italy and the United States are considered along with three religions of Buddhism, Catholicism and Protestantism. The thesis maintains that the influence of religion concerning abortion exists throughout the world among various religions and has served to ironically increase abortion by neglecting proper sex education. Infanticide as a new disturbing trend is also noted. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: Abrtn.wps

Buddhism -- As Both A Definitive Religion And A Science
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A 5 page overview of Buddhism and how it is both a religion and a science, by definition. The writer analyzes various fundamental tenets of Buddhism to illustrate this point. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: Buddsci.wps

Ch'an Buddhism & Mu-Ch'i
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A 7 page paper on the art of Ch'an Buddhism with special attention on one of its masters, Mu-Ch'i (Fa-ch'ang). Ch'an Buddhism has often been considered one of the most irreligious of religions. It had great impact on the world of art especially during the flower and bird school of the Sung dynasty. During a part of that dynasty's reign Mu-Ch'i was known as a master of painting as well as a monk himself. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: Chanbudd.wps

Mahayana and Theravada Buddhism
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An 8 page essay on the similarities and differences between these two sects of Buddhism including historical background behind their split. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: Budhis.wps

Practices of Samatha & Vippassana Buddhist Meditation
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This 8 page report discusses meditative practices of Buddhism known as 'samatha' and 'vippassanan' and their relationship to both calming and insight. The report also discusses how the ideas differ and still encompass one another. Bibliography lists 7 sources as references.
Filename: Samvip.wps

Islam & The Baptism Of Europe
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A 3 page essay on the relationship of the five pillars of Islam to the Baptism of Europe and the effect of Neoplatonism on the growth of both Islam and Christianity. One cited reference.
Filename: Islam.wps

Baptism Among Anglican Religions
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A 6 page paper that talks about the role of baptism in those churches among the Anglican beliefs. The writer goes into considerable detail as to why these ceremonies are performed, just what it is that they mean, and who is eligible for them. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: Baptism.wps

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