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The Beliefs Of Southern Baptists
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A 10 page paper on this topic in which the writer examines Southern Baptist theology and their beliefs about salvation, biblical authority, sin, etc. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: Baptist.wps

Old Testament Biblical Studies / The Books Of Kings
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This 6 page essay investigates the themes of the two Books of Kings, which focus on obedience to God's Laws. Adherence to the covenant brings rewards while failure to follow the Word of God brings punishments. These themes are exemplified in the decline of the Kings of Judah and Israel. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: Bookking.wps

The Creation of Israel, A Biblical Study
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A 6 page essay on the establishment of Israel. The writer states that the will of the nomadic Israelites was to settle in a rich valley and establish a settlement, and shows how the political cannot be separated from the religious in the story of Israelite settlement. To keep up their vision, they relied on prophets to guide them, but in the end, King David, a warrior, saw to the actualization of their dream, although they attribute his presence to the will of God. Biblical passages studied include passages from Samuel I and II. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: Cnisrsta.wps

Beginnings Of The Reformation
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A 5 page paper discussing events and conditions leading to the beginning of the Reformation and Luther's role in it, along with lasting cultural changes that accompanied the religious ones. Beyond his importance as a religious leader, Luther had a profound effect on Western culture. He is, paradoxically, the last medieval man and the first modern one, a political conservative and a spiritual revolutionary. His impact is most marked, of course, in Germany, where he laid the cultural foundations for what later became a united German nation. Before he translated the Bible from Latin to German, there was no unified German language, but only a series of Germanic dialects. Luther provided that language through his Bible translation. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: Beginref.wps

Bible Studies / Exegesis On Deuteronomy 26:1-11
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A 6 page exegesis of Deuteronomy 26:1-11. This paper discusses this passage in respect to the Hebrew's movement out of Egypt and into the promised land. God discusses his expectations of men in the promised land--that they raise crops and bring them for blessings in front of priests. During this process, God expects that man will remember the process that brought them to the promised land while also reflecting on the gifts of God and celebrating in His name. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: Deuteron.wps

Paul's Letter to the Romans
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A 6 page analysis of the epistle to the Romans contained within the Holy Bible. The writer argue that Paul presents a theological argument that concerns the nature of sin and how God's grace applies to all of humanity, and not just the Jewish people. It would appear that at this time there was still some controversy over whether or not the message of Jesus was meant exclusively for Jews, and whether or not, Gentiles had to convert to Judaism, i.e. be circumcised, in order to become Christian. Other points of the argument are covered as well. No additional sources cited.
Filename: Paulet.wps

The Koran [Qur'an ]Vs. The Bible
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A 5 page paper comparing these two Holy books of the Judeo-Christian and Islamic faiths. The writer concludes that while there are many points of correspondence, the same stories are used to make different points due to the unique character of the three faiths. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: QuBible.wps

Monotheism / Proof in the Bible
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A 5 page essay investigating proof in the Bible that there is only one God. Chapters and verses from the Books of Isaiah and Jeremiah are cited as evidence of one and only one God and His escalating impatience with the pagan idols being crafted and glorified. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Filename: Monothe.wps

Bible Essays
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This paper consists of 7 pages discussing several books of the Old and New Testaments. Essays included are on Ecclesiastes, Proverbs, Deuteronomy, Isaiah as well one on the four gospels No additional sources cited.
Filename: Bibleniv.wps

Bible Studies / Exegesis On Luke 1:26-38
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A 4 page paper that provides an exegetical overview Luke's narrative in verses 26-38. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: Lukee.wps

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