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Papers On Mythology
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Native American Acculturation & How it Affects Educational Achievement
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A 9 page exploration of cultural obstacles which face many Native Americans on their moving from the reservations into the dominant white culture and how these obstacles influence educational performance. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: Natived.wps

Native Americans And Health Care
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A 5 page discussion of the relevance of traditional Native American cultural dictates to the effectiveness of health care professionals. Discusses the importance of recognizing traditional cultural dictates and being both receptive to those dictates and willing to modify ones approaches in consideration of them. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: NAnurse.wps

Native Indian Life & Survival During the Early Colonial Era
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A 3 page article review in which the writer examines an author's discussion of the White men who first came to America and failed miserably at imitating Native Indian lifestyles and wound up dying from cold winters, malnutrition, etc;-- Simply because they tried to do things their "own way"-- and not follow the example of those who had already lived there successfully for so many centuries. Although the article itself is no longer available, the essay provides excellent analysis and makes for worthwhile reading on the subject. No Bibliography.
Filename: Natives.wps

Native Indian Poetry 'Vision' / Importance Of The Rainbow
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A 1 page expletive essay on the poem The Vision. The author writes about their feelings of what the poem means and is trying to explain.
Filename: Vision.wps

Natural Selection
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A 5 page overview and analysis of Darwin's proposal of the theory of natural selection. Presents the proposition that the theory of natural selection had actually been around well before Darwin's publication of Origin of the Species. Presents the view that the theory of natural selection is, in essence, a selfishness on the part of an organism to reproduce. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: Natsel.wps

Noah Was A Righteous Man
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A 4 page essay arguing that Noah was indeed a righteous man. Citations from the Torah and the Holy Bible are offered as support. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: Noah.wps

Noah's Ark and the Great Deluge
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A 7 page paper exploring the story of Noah's ark and the great flood. The writer examines various theories about the tale including possible scientific proof of the flood's existence. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: Floodmyt.wps

Nouwen & Spirituality
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This 4 page essay reviews Henri J.M. Nouwen's Reaching Out The Three Movements of the Spiritual Life. The book is discussed primarily in terms of how it can enhance spirituality. No additional sources cited.
Filename: Nouwen.wps

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
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A 10 page paper reviewing journal articles discussing the disorder. Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) has been thought to be rare until only recently, but it is estimated to hold at least 2 million hostages. Characterized by obsessive thoughts that drive the compulsion to act in a self-prescribed manner, the manifestations of the disorder are collectively seen as bizarre behavior. Drug therapy has been found to aid in overall therapy efforts and is most effective when combined with behavior therapy. OCD involves the basal ganglia that are also connected with other movement disorders, and it has been found to be genetically linked to Tourette's syndrome. Bibliography lists 11 sources.
Filename: Obscomp.wps

Odysseus: Evolution And Fundamental Importance
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5 pages in length. The authors of the student's class texts have varied in chronological time as well as and historical, political and religious perspective. They all, in some meaningful way, endeavor to define for their reader the nature of man. Despite the diversity of time and circumstance, each of the texts seems to illustrate some of the base characteristics of human nature. Tracing Odysseus' evolution and fundamental importance through The Odyssey provides for a significantly better understanding of mortal limitations, truth, honesty and the desire to achieve and uphold one's righteousness. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: TLCOdyss.rtf

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