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Papers On Campaigns, Elections & Politicians
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Commenting On The Bush And Gore Campaign Platforms
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5 pages in length. The writer analyzes Bush and Gore's platforms and discusses the difference between their economic principles. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: TLCbshgr.wps

Comparative Analysis of the Presidencies and Political Natures of Thomas Jefferson and Abraham Lincoln
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A 5 page paper which examines Jefferson�s and Lincoln�s presidential roles and considers such issues as political ideology, political culture, political socialization, political efficacy and party identification. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: TGjeflin.rtf

Comparing Three Senator's Web Sites
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5 pages in length. The web site content of Senators John McCain (R), Edward Kennedy (D) and Richard Bryan (D) is indicative of their respective desire to provide the most assistance to their constituents. Targeting young and old alike, one of the primarily appealing attributes of all three sites is the fact that there is something there for everyone. Even if a particular individual has little background knowledge of McCain, Kennedy or Bryan as individuals or political representatives, the content provided quickly and thoroughly educates the constituents on both aspects. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: TLCsenat.wps

Comparing US Political Parties
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A 6 page essay that analyzes American political parties based on a comparison of the web homepages. The writer looks at the Republican and Democrats and then uses the Libertarian Party homepage as a representative of the minor parties. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: kh3polp.wps

Courthouse over White House : Chicago and the 1960 Presidential Election
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This 11 page paper looks at the book by Edmond Killina which considers the election of Kennedy over Nixon in 1960. The results were very controversial and this book considers these on a national and a local basis, giving us an insight to the events and giving us lesson to bring into the present. The bibliography cites 1 source.
Filename: TEel1960.wps

Crime and Campaign Promises
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An 8 page paper discussing the dichotomy between campaign promises relating to crime and actual observed results. We expect political candidates to lay out for us the reasons we should vote for them rather than for their opponents, and candidates oblige this expectation by making promises during their campaigns outlining the things they will do once they gain office. There will be reform, they promise. Things will be different. They will take some sort of stance against crime. Too often, these promises are made for the purpose of gaining votes rather than truly making a difference. In the end, the most effective law and order campaigns have been those that have come about without any direct influence on the part of newly-elected officials at any level of government. Bibliography lists 17 sources.
Filename: KScrimCampaign.rtf

Cultural/ Political Reflections of the Eisenhower Years
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Cultural/ Political Reflections of the Eisenhower Years: This 10-page essay examines a number of domestic and international, cultural/ political events for evidentiary reflections germane to the1956 election and the Eisenhower years. It was a harried time for the average American, who was still trying to purge the bitter aftertaste of WWII. Yet despite the rapid-fire changes Americans again proved to be remarkably resilient. Bibliography lists 12 sources. SNElec56.doc
Filename: SNElec56.doc

Cybervoting: Good Or Bad
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5 pages in length. The technological revolution has brought about myriad social changes, not the least of which includes the concept of cybervoting. In its purest form, this alternative to physical ballot voting stands to revolutionize the entire democratic process; according to proponents, cybervoting will give back to the people what has long been gone from the political process. Additionally, the implementation of cybervoting will benefit individuals who might not otherwise make the effort to vote, inevitably increasing the ultimate turnout. That cybervoting stands to get more people involved with the political process is reason enough to support its acceptance; however, there are even more fundamental reasons why cybervoting is an idea whose time has arrived. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: TLCcyvot.wps

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This essay examines how media scrutiny of 1988-1992 Vice President Dan Quayle impacted his ability to perform his duties and even to help his boss win re-election. Also discussed were some of his media gaffes, and how the country reacted to them. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: MTquayle.rtf

Decline of (American) Political Parties / Book Review
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A 2 page review of Martin P. Wattenberg's (1996) book entitled "The Decline of American Political Parties." In brief, the author examines such issues as party management and the role of the media. No Bibliography.
Filename: Declpart.wps

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