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Papers On U.S. Military & Government Agencies
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Administration of HOPWA Programs in Washington, D.C.
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A 15 page paper discussing the administration of HUD's Housing Opportunities for Persons With AIDS (HOPWA) funds in Washington, D.C. Outreach to individuals and families living with HIV/AIDS is complex, even in the best of economic circumstances; it is likely that the result of decline in the housing market and subprime mortgage market will place greater pressure on rents in D.C. in the short-term future. Bibliography lists 13 sources.
Filename: KSpubHousAIDS.rtf

African American Generals
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A 4 page paper which examines the role of African American Generals. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: RAaagen2.rtf

After 9/11 We Should Have Bombed Afghanistan Until The Country Was A Flat Wasteland
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5 pages in length. Freedom represents many things, not the least of which is the envy and hatred of those who do not have � or want others to have � the precious commodity for which Americans live and die. The terrorist attacks upon the World Trade Center and Pentagon reflect the loathing that stems from severe oppression, backwards thinking and a desire to rid the world of those not deemed worthy. With absolutely no regard for human life, Osama bin Laden orchestrated an assault upon a country where freedom and democracy reign supreme, trying his best to break America at its very foundation. This unconscionable and calculated act of fanaticism in the name of quelling America's fervor for global domination did not warrant the moderate counterattack the United States made upon Afghanistan; rather, it was a call for the US to completely annihilate the source of terrorism. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: TLC911Bm.rtf

After September 11: New Style of Warfare?
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A 6 page paper which examines whether we are truly in a time that calls for a new style of warfare following the attacks of September 11. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: RAsepwar.rtf

Agency and Employee Accountability in Cases of Negligence: The Legal Issues of Employee Credibility and Training
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An 8 page assertion that our educational arena has been subject to many challenges and disappointments. At the center of many of these is the issues of employee credibility and training. That the educational system has a problem is not an issue of contention. What is questionable in the current day legal environment, however, is whether or not employees and school districts can be held legally liable for the educational inadequacies which result from inadequate teacher qualifications and training. This paper utilizes the Supreme Court cases of Monroe Vs Pape (1961), Monell Vs Dept of Social Services (1978), City Of Oklahoma Vs Tuttle (1984), Daniels Vs Willaims (1986), Davidson Vs Cannon (1986), and City of Springfield Vs Kibbe (1987) to add insight to that question. All illustrate the delicate balance between employee liability and negligence on the part of the agency when employee credibility is challenged. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: PPcivRt2.rtf

Air Force Hero
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In today's world, it is so rare to hear of a real hero, a man (or woman) who has shown through their actions that the nobility and honor that is so valued in this country continues to exist. This 5 page paper asserts that A1C Pitsenbarger, as the first enlisted man to recieve the second highest honor that can be bestowed upon an American soldier: the Air Force Cross, set an example of what it means to be a 'hero' and the Air Force Sergeants Association's William H. Pitsenbarger Award for Heroism ensures that he will be remembered. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: KTafhero.wps

Air Force Policy on Tattoos, Brands and Body Piercing
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This is a 5 page paper discussing the new Air Force policy introduced in 1998. The U.S. Air Force introduced an interim change to their dress and personal appearance policy coded AFI 36-2903. The new code implemented new policy regarding tattoos and body piercing. Basically, the Air Force leadership strongly discourages members of the Air Force from tattooing, branding, or body piercing because of a number of factors which include health risks associated with these acts and the image they present worldwide and to the American population. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: TJAirFr1.rtf

Air National Guard
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This 3 page paper comments on the culture of the Air Force and how it is changing. The writer briefly comments on diversity, the transformation to the Total Force and the expectations and opportunities provided to members. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: PGairgd.rtf

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This 5 page paper gives an in-depth look at the history and evolution of the insignia of the US Air Force. Examples in the varying designs are listed. Exact dates of commisioning are given with examples. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: MBairforce.rtf

Alexander's Conquests vs. the U.S. in Iraq
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This 6 page paper compares Alexander the Great's methods with the U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: HVAlxIrq.rtf

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