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Papers On Genetics & Paleontology
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Gene Technology and Food
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A 7 page paper which argues that gene technology in the production of food will cause more problems than it will solve. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: RAgenefd.rtf

Gene Therapy: Potential for the Future
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A 4 page examination of the potential that gene therapy holds for the future. Providing specific examples of how gene therapy might be utilized to address alcoholism and such debilitating conditions as multiple sclerosis, the author contends that gene therapy is sure to gain societal acceptance as time goes on. As the general public becomes more acquainted with the potential benefits of gene therapy it will undoubtedly become one of the most highly regarded forms of medical intervention. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: PPgenThp.rtf

Genetic Analysis Before Implantation: Decreasing The Risk Of Genetic Diseases And Specific Characteristics
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5 pages in length. Is it about making informed decisions for the betterment of the future child, or is it a manmade version of survival of the fittest? Genetic analysis before implantation does, indeed, decrease the risk of inherited genetic diseases; however, there are serious ethical concerns related to the use of preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) for gender selection and family balancing options. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: TLCGenAnal.rtf

Genetic Basis For Sexual Preference
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An 8 page exploration of the genetic basis for homosexuality verses heterosexuality. Discusses the advancements in genetic research which link chromosomal differences with sexual behavior. Emphasizes the link between the X chromosome in men and sexual behavior. Discusses potential differences in brain development between heterosexual men and homosexual men. Concludes that while there is no incontestable proof regarding a genetic basis for sexual behavior there are numerous tentative findings which would suggest this is the case, Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: PPgeneSx.wps

Genetic Causes and Effects of Alcoholism
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A 5 page paper which examines the causes and effects of genetics in alcoholism. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: RAgenalc.rtf

Genetic Component to Behavior
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A 5 page research paper that examines the long-standing controversy between scientists over whether or not human behavior is largely controlled by genetic inheritance, or if behavior is purely a product of environmental influences. Referring to current scientific data, the writer argues that, currently, data favors the genetic side of this debate. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: khgenbeh.wps

Genetic Determinants of an Individual's State of Happiness
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A 5 page discussion of the factors which can influence our state of happiness. Contends that while some of these are obvious, such as the presence or absence of psychological conditions, and others are less obvious aspects such as sexual fulfillment. Details the importance of genetics to one aspect of our behaviors which can influence happiness, homosexuality. Contends that the struggle between societal mores and the genetic propensity for certain behaviors can have a tremendous impact on our state of happiness. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: PPbioEmt.wps

Genetic Drift / Quick Change, Quicker Reversal
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A 10 page paper that argues in support of science's use of genetic drift over natural selection to make quicker shifts in genetically drifted and naturally selected traits. The paper works from the viewpoint that genetic drift often leads to dominant gene traits and, therefore, extinction, whereas natural selection leads to environmental control by nature and seeks to provide examples throughout history where genetic drift has also resulted in a quicker change that natural selection. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: Genetic.DOC

Genetic Engineering In Fruit / Benefits & Concerns Of Biomolecular Tomatoes
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A 14 page paper that provides an overview of recent information on the use of genetic engineering for improving the quality of fruit crops, especially tomatoes. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: Botany.wps

Genetic Engineering of Food Crops: Demographic, Geographic, Economic, and Environmental Impacts
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A 6 page assessment of the potential negative impacts of genetic engineering as it is applied towards food crops. The author contends our production of genetically engineered crops will ultimately impact not just our population but the world population as a whole. Furthermore, this production has a high likelihood of ultimately causing pollution, endangering animals, and resulting in the extinction of certain plants and crops. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: PPgenCrp.rtf

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