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Exxon-Mobil Corporation
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This 10 page report discusses the merged energy company giant of Exxon-Mobil. In December of 1999, the US Federal Trade Commission voted to allow Exxon Corp. to acquire Mobil Corp. (the number one and number two American oil companies) for $81 billion. The merger will create the world's largest energy supplier behind Royal Dutch Shell. Both Exxon and Mobil trace their roots to the late 19th century, when American industry was booming in steel, railroads and banking. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Filename: BWexmobi.wps

Intellectual Property Management
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This 3 page paper takes a look at the importance of intellectual property in the oil industry. Information about a research lab, associated with an oil company, as provided by a student, is used as an example. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: SA009oil.rtf

John D. Rockefeller & Standard Oil Company
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A 7 page paper on John D. Rockefeller's life in America's infant oil industry and his contributions to the rise of that industry. Rockefeller's Standard Oil Company became Standard Oil Trust, and was the first amalgamation of its kind. Contemporary of Andrew Carnegie and J.P. Morgan, Rockefeller developed from a 16-yr-old bookkeeper to the owner of the country's oil monopoly before the Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890 made such things illegal. Still, Rockefeller and his contemporaries exemplified the American dream, though their methods were sometimes ruthless. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: Rockfel.wps

John D. Rockefeller and the Oil Industry
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A 7 page paper which discusses the involvement of John D. Rockefeller in the oil industry. The paper discusses his youth as it applies to his innate business abilities, and discusses his early involvement with the oil industry. These are presented to help illustrate his role in the creation and success of Standard Oil. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: RArockfel.wps

Oil Company Patents
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This 6 page paper looks at the number of patents registered by some major oil company up until July 2000, and the number of which were actually registered in 200. The paper then goes on to investigate the available figures for research and development and income from royalties of the same oil companies. The bibliography cites 8 sources.
Filename: TEoilpat.wps

OPEC and Oil Production Agreements
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This 20 page paper looks at the background to oil production and considers the influence of supply and demand. It looks at the politic and economic disagreements within OPEC and the way they have impacted on the prices of the oil and petroleum market in the late 1990's and the way in which oil prices have again been increased through agreement. The bibliography cites 15 sources.
Filename: TEopecpr.wps

Organizational Culture at Nippon-Mitsubishi Oil
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An 8 page paper discussing the need for a paradigm shift away from employment for life toward a model more in keeping with today's business climate. While neither Nippon-Mitsubishi nor Japan needs to emulate any other existing organizational culture model, both must ensure that organizational culture does not suffer in deference to social culture. The paper suggests educating employees in the need for responding to changing business climate and notes that Mitsubishi Oil's recent merger with Nippon Oil will allow it to gracefully extricate itself from some of its traditional kiretsu relationships that have been detrimental in finance. Bibliography lists 17 sources.
Filename: KSMitsubiOil.wps

Shell Oil Company
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A 9 page paper discussing this old giant's current focus on the future. Shell oil is a company that is very nearly 200 years old and already has seen industry-changing and industry-creating changes in technology and petroleum use in its long history. At the beginning of the 21st century, it faces yet another change, one that many other similar companies appear to be avoiding: petroleum requires eons to create, yet only minutes to consume. It is critical that we develop alternative energy sources, and Shell is leading all other oil companies in research and development of viable and sustainable alternatives. The industry is changing and Shell is leading the way, but it needs to use some of its nearly 3700 percent increase in profits in 1999 to tell the consumer of its progress. Bibliography lists 13 sources in 16 footnotes.
Filename: KSshellOil.wps

Shell Oil; A Controversial Company
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This 5 page paper considers Shell Oil. The management of this bureaucratic yet learning organisation are considered in the context of a PEST analysis and the manner in which these factors interact. The bibliography cites 7 sources.
Filename: TEshell.wps

Venezuela's Oil Industry
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This 8 page research paper explores the rise of the oil industry in Venezuela and its significant impact on the country. Many other industries have flourished because of it, e.g., construction. Despite some problems managing the money in the beginning stages of their oil industry, Venezuela has seen a significant improvement in its infrastructure and public services. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: Venez.wps

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