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Papers On Human Resource Issues
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ARAMARK - Time And Attendance Project
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This 15 page paper focuses on decision making within an action research project from the consultant's perspective. The company used is ARAMARK and the outcome of the project is to implement a more effective time and attendance system that will, among other things, eliminate overstaffing and understaffing, automatically calculate payroll, allow employees to access their own information and to reduce labor costs by at least $1 million per year. Sections in this essay include: action plan, executive summary, problem statement, which includes a brief overview of the company, identification of the problem, including alternative solutions, first client meeting, discovery and dialog, second client meeting, including the savings associated with the recommended solution, and final reflection. 1 Table is included. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: PGaramrk.rtf

Are Diversity Programs Working?
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A 7 page paper discussing the organization's need to highlight diversity in order to arrive at a more homogeneous workplace in terms of all working for common goals. Recent polls indicate that members of senior management are far more impressed with their companies' efforts in workplace diversity than are employees. This paper proposes that monthly Friday afternoons provide the setting for employee-led glimpses into national and ethnic cultures in the forms of food, dance, games, stories and particularly music. Such an approach can promote camaraderie, inject fun and build the organization's reputation as an employer of choice. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: KSdiverseWork.wps

Are HRM Departments Needed When A Company Has Effective Line Managers?
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A great deal of research indicates that it is the line management which will determine whether or not HR can create a competitive advantage for organisations. This 10 page paper considers the role of line managers and why HRM is very important even where there are effective line managers. The bibliography cite 15 sources.
Filename: TElineman.rtf

Are The Expectations In The Employment Relationship Changing?
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9 pages in length. The extent to which expectations in the employment relationship continue to change are both grand and far-reaching; that business itself has experienced significant change in the recent past has resulted in myriad modifications within the workplace, not the least of which include corporate downsizing and business communication. Bibliography lists xx sources.
Filename: TLCBizRela.rtf

Are They Still Necessary? � Labor Unions in the 90s
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A 20 page paper which weighs the relevance of labor unions today. There is growing sentiment that while unions performed a very real service for the workers of America at the time of their creation and greatest activity, that they perhaps have outlived their usefulness, that they are unnecessary for today's labor force. The relationship between the union representative and management team at any given work site has traditionally been adversarial, but some companies have been able to evolve past traditional relationships. Bibliography lists more than a dozen sources.
Filename: UPS.doc

Are your Employee's Kids Affecting Your Bottom Line ?
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12 pages in length. Filled with statistical data and case examples, this paper discusses the role of the changing American family as it relates to the workplace and human resource/management. The effects of family responsibility on worker productivity are examined. The writer details current trends, family benefits, and various programs to help the family-orientated worker. Bibliography lists approximately 12 sources.
Filename: Emplykid.wps

Arguing to Keep Staff
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This 3 page paper is an argumentative paper that tries to convince owners not to reduce staffing as part of cost-cutting plans for a three star restaurant. The paper argues that the staff add a great deal of value to the business and are not the right target for cost cutting measures, especially when the value chain is considered. The bibliography cites 3 sources.
Filename: TEkeepst.rtf

Article Analysis
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This 5 page paper analyses an article provided by the student that looks at practices by Nissan in their Datsun factory and the problems with labour relations that has occurred, The writer analyses this with reference to scientific management and the humanist school of though on terms of motivation, control and the use of power. The bibliography sites 10 sources.
Filename: TEartan1.rtf

Article Critique: Diversity Management
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5 pages in length. Discussing research in the field of business, the authors' article works toward identifying the sometimes subtle but extremely important elements of diversity management that can be overlooked, not only rendering the entire approach worthless of its intent but also causing more problems than before it was implemented. No bibliography.
Filename: TLCDivMng.rtf

Article Review (Flying Off Over Office Politics)
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This 3 page paper reviews an article submitted by a student entitled "Flying Off Over Office Politics" by Libby Mulitz. The article is summarized and critiqued. The main idea is duly noted. No bibliography.
Filename: SA423off.rtf

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