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Improving Interpersonal Communication
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This 6 page report discusses the processes associated with improving interpersonal communication need not be either complicated or intense. Instead the most important aspect of such efforts revolves around the simple awareness that communication can be improved and the willingness to make it happen. All aspects of communication, whether business-based or personal are directed toward specific audiences and addresses issues that are most relevant to their particular concerns. This report considers a number of the aspects of communication in both the work and personal arenas. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: BWincomm.rtf

Improving Organizational Communication
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A 4 page paper providing a short communications plan for improving organizational communications. Priority areas are those of feedback, communicating change and ethical behavior. Not all employees may choose to participate, but all need to know that they can. Communicating change is a crucial point of whether the change is successful. Ethical behavior, of course, provides the underlying framework for the entire organization. Short cuts often are cliffs in disguise, as the late Ken Lay no doubt could attest. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: KSbusCommPln.rtf

Improving Teams' Communications Skills
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A 6 page paper addressing the situation of deteriorating team functioning. The effectiveness of some of the organization's teams has been diminished by means of increasing occurrence of conflict, rumor and backbiting. The paper reviews the observations of several communications writers and consultants, and recommends exercises at the team level designed to improve communications and assist individuals in maintaining a perspective that focuses on the company, rather than on the individual. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: KSbusComm.rtf

Inaugural Address
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An Analysis of George W. Bush's Second This 3 page paper examines the President's address with attention to ethos, pathos and logos. The persuasive techniques are discussed. Quotes are included. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: SA506GWB.rtf

Individual and Organizational Decision-Making
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This 7 page paper provides an overview of the elementse that impact decision making in the organizational setting. This paper considers the factors that influence the rational decion-making capabilities of the individual and deter individuals from successful decision-making in a group. Bibliographyl lists 6 sources.
Filename: MHOrgC44.rtf

Infochild And Depression/War Generation: Conflicting Age Groups
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6 pages in length. As a twenty-eight-year-old man who thinks the world would cease to exist without the myriad technological tools invented during his generation, Matt has no understanding of what it means to be still within one's own skin, always seeking immediate gratification by way of artificial stimulants provided by today's high-tech existence. Harv, on the other hand, is a child of the Great Depression who learned a hard lesson about doing without life's basics, much less splurging on every newfangled technology that commerce introduced. Harv cannot appreciate the extent to which Matt's life is wholly immersed within the technology offered by modern-day society, while Matt scoffs at Harv's stubborn refusal to venture forth into what he considers to be the fascinating world of high tech. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: TLCGenGp.rtf

Intercultural Communications and Cultural Identity
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This 7 page paper provides an overview of an interview with an African American male, "Bill," and his reflections about the nature of communications. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: MHFamCu4.rtf

Internet Communication
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This 7 page paper considers the different types of communication that are available on the internet. The paper considers ICQ, mIRC, Netmeeting and e-mail, looking at the roles they perform, the similarities and the differences. The bibliography cites 6 sources.
Filename: TEcomprg.wps

Interpersonal Communication
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A 6 page research paper in which the writer discusses five topics pertaining to interpersonal communication and then offers suggestions on how to relate these topics to personal experience. Report contains a 1 page outline. Topics covered are: 1) the nature of interpersonal communication; 2) how it is affected by culture; 3) communication apprehension; 4)listening; and 5) perception. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: khincom.rtf

Interpersonal Communication in �The Birdcage�
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A 5 page paper discussing research in conflict in interpersonal communication using the film "The Birdcage" as a setting in which to discuss the issue. The film used as the basis for discussion here is a comedy, and it is quite easy to look in at the scenes being played before us and laugh at the turns that they make. Along with the laughs and chuckles, however, the film also presents conflict resolution in keeping with current research. Since conflict is a given in our lives, these researchers and observers make valuable contributions to working for speedy and agreeable resolution. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: KScommBirdcage.rtf

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