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Papers On Forensics
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This 4 page paper is a literature review of forensic science, the advances, the concerns, and the applications in the courtroom. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: MBforensics.rtf

Forensic Science: Particular Cases
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A 6 page paper which examines the involvement of forensic science and evidence in three separate cases. The cases are the Central Park Jogger case, the Martha Stewart case, and the Robert Chambers case. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: RAforsci.rtf

Is Justice Delivered With Forensic Science?:
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This 10 page paper exmines the role of forensic science in determining how justice is served. More specifically, this paper asserts that forensic science is not the miraculous tool it appears to be, and that its use does not always result in justice being served. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: GSCrimnl.rtf

Issues Concerning Forensic Testing
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4 pages in length. As with any other situation where critical thinking and decision-making must occur simultaneously, allowing interns to perform forensic testing may cause more of a problem than it solves. This is not to say that interns should never be given the opportunity to partake in forensics testing, but rather that a very strict set of guidelines must be in place � along with qualified overseers � in order for preventable mistakes to be avoided. When the issue at hand is murder, however, interns should be like children at an adult function: seen but not heard. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: TLCForensIn.rtf

Jack Ruby / Conspirator Or An Unstable Individual Simply Seeking Attention ?
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A 15 page paper examining the life of Jack Ruby, the man who killed Lee Harvey Oswald. Discusses the improbibility of his role as a conspirator and points to his mental and personal instability as the likely reasons he killed Oswald. Bibliography lists ten sources.
Filename: Jackruby.wps

Job Description: Criminal Profiler
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5 pages in length. Criminal profiling � which is defined as "the application of psychological theory to the analysis and reconstruction of the forensic evidence that relates to an offender's crime scenes, victims and behaviors" (Clemens, 1998, p. 27) � is both a fascinating and challenging career whose popularity has growing exponentially with media exposure (Silence of the Lambs, Seven, Kiss the Girls) and the mounting presence of international terrorism. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Filename: TLCCrimProf.rtf

Juvenile Justice and the Insanity Defense
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A 10 page analysis of the variation which exists across states as to whether juveniles can utilize insanity defenses. While some states allow such defenses, others do not. In those states where juveniles are not allowed the insanity defense, the fact that the juvenile court system allows so much latitude has been used as basis for the prohibition of the use of the insanity defense. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: PPjvInsn.rtf

Michael Malone�s �The Enrique Camarena Case - A Forensic Nightmare
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This 7 page report discusses a report written in 1989 by FBI Special Agent Michael P. Malone about the kidnapping, torture and murder of 37-year-old Enrique Camarena, an agent working underground for the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency. According to Malone�s article, the Camarena case serves as an excellent example of what an investigative team is likely to encounter at a significantly compromised site, especially when there are a number of locations involved in the crime and there is a willful obstruction of information and investigation by other agencies involved. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: BWenqcam.wps

Miscellaneous Crimes
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A 7 page paper which looks at various forms of crime, describing and defining such things as patterns of rape and methods of forced entry. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: RArpecrm.rtf

New Applications of DNA Evidence
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A 10 page review of the common applications of DNA evidence in criminal apprehension and prosecution. Details analytical techniques and their application. Reviews the use of DNA evidence in crimes ranging human biological materials left behind in cases of murder and rape to those involving animal and plant tissues such as might be found in poaching or illegal plant collection. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: PPdnaNew.wps

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