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Papers On Drugs & Alcohol
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Legalizing Drugs: NO!
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A two page paper presenting a short, succinct argument against legalizing drugs. The paper argues that we simply do not know enough about the long-term physical effects of drug use, but we already have a great deal of negative evidence about their social effects. Bibliography lists three sources.
Filename: KBdrugs.wps

Legalizing Drugs: The Controversial Topic of Our Time
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This five-page-paper discusses the two sides on the drug legalization argument. The reasons proponents want to legalize are outlined as well as the reasons others don't; want it done. Bibliography lists four sources.
Filename: CWlegdrg.wps

Legalizing Marijuana
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A 5 page paper which presents an examination of the legalization of marijuana. Unbiased information, as well as the pros and cons, are provided. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: RAlegalmry.rtf

Legalizing Marijuana
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A 13 page paper which argues why marijuana should be legalized. Tobacco and alcohol are discussed as are the health benefits and economic benefits. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Filename: RAmryjne.rtf

Legalizing Marijuana for Medical Purposes
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A 4 page paper which examines the pros and cons of legalizing marijuana for medical purposes. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: RAmarimd.rtf

Legalizing Marijuana: Helping Society and the Economy
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A 5 page paper which argues that by legalizing marijuana the country could not only make a great deal of money but also free up valuable prison space and save prison dollars. Bibliography lists sources.
Filename: RAlegpot.rtf

LSD / The Drug
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7 pages in length. In this well-organized essay, the writer describes the nature of LSD, its history, use, properties, and banning. Particular emphasis is placed upon the 'LSD controversy' and some of the known side effects of drug usage. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: Lsd.wps

Management and Drug Testing at Star Technologies
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This 6 page paper provides an overview of the management issues at Star Technologies, including the problem of drug use and drug testing. This paper integrates an overview of the management systems in place for to address the problem of drug testing and drug use in the company. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: MHdruSta.rtf

Marijuana and Addiction
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A 5 page paper which examines whether marijuana is physically addictive, psychologically addictive or both. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: TGmjadd.rtf

Marijuana Should be Legalized
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This 5 page paper argues that marijuana should be legalized due to the fact that individuals should be able to make their own choices. The opposing view is refuted with argument as well as evidence showing that marijuana is not harmful anyway. Annotated bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: SA048pot.wps

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