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Papers On Latin-America / Mixed
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The U.S. War on Drugs and the Political Economy of the Southern Hemisphere
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This 3 page paper examines the reasons as to why this war has not been won. The idea that economic variables are implicit in the fight is highlighted. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: SA425war.rtf

The Viability of Dollarization in Latin America
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This 34 page paper looks at the pros and cons of dollarization in a general sense, but particularly as it respects Latin America. The idea of a united currency is explored and the euro is used as an example. The paper concludes that full dollarization is a good idea for the nations of Latin America. Bibliography lists 28 sources.
Filename: SA204dln.rtf

The �Washington Consensus� and Latin America
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A 9 page definition of the so-called �Washington Consensus�. This paper asserts that this definition has evolved over time. The concepts it embraces can be illustrated in Latin American some two decades before the term was even coined! Bibliogrphy lists 5 sources.
Filename: PPglbWashConsensus.rtf

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This 3 page paper discusses the essay by Alisa Valdes-Rodriguez called, My Hips, My Caderas and discusses the theme of colonialism, past and present. Bibliography lists 0 sources.
Filename: MBvaldes.rtf

Trade / Latin America
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A 5 page research paper and overview of the trade position of Latin American countries as of July 1998. The writer focuses on statistics, including imports/exports, trade deficits, and economic growth rates. Bibliography lists 11 sources.
Filename: Latntrad.wps

Transition to Democracy in Latin America
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A 15 page research paper that examines how the history and emergence of democracy in Latin America has served to keep that institution characterized, generally, as being "fragile" and still in a transitory state. The writer examines why democracy is still considered to be fragile in Latin America despite the fact that the vast majority of countries within this region have been "officially" democratic since the 1980s. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: 99tdinla.wps

Tula's Perspectitve on Human Rights: Still Relevant?
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A 5 page paper discussing the generalizability of resistance to political oppression in the New World and in the East. In Hear My Testimony, author Maria Teresa Tula provides an account of the struggle for human rights in her native El Salvador. The purpose here is to examine the historical origins of that struggle and to determine whether the work reflects world historical forces of the non western world. The paper concludes that though results in abuses of human rights take similar forms, the historical origin of extremism in the New World and in old civilizations of Asia are greatly different. The book does provide an account of women's involvement in political resistance, however, which is highly relevant to oppression resulting from any origin. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: KShumRCentAm.rtf

U.S. Drug Policies & Latin America
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This 45 page paper investigates the domestic and foreign drug policies of the United States. The paper traces the history of drug use and policies within the country, then looks at the policies in Latin America with an emphasis on Bolivia and Colombia. Drug production and trafficking are described as are the efforts of these two countries in decreasing the drug business. Criticisms regarding the U.S. drug policies are provided along with suggestions from experts regarding more effective policies the U.S. could adopt. Bibliography lists 39 sources.
Filename: Drlatp.wps

U.S. Foreign Policy in Latin America
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This 5 page paper examines the Cuban Revolution along with the problems in Central America. U.S. foreign policy is highlighted. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: SA618LA.rtf

U.S. Foreign Policy in Latin America: The Last Sixty Years
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A 5 page overview of the manner in which U.S. foreign policy has changed in Latin America. In recent years, in fact, it can be contended that Latin American is neither a current priority in U.S. foreign policy nor one which will occupy our immediate future. Never-the-less, our geographic proximity to this region necessitated continuous U.S. involvement to at least some degree. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: PPusLat2.rtf

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