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Papers On Law & Legal Systems
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Edward Lazarus/ 'Closed Chambers'
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A 5 page analysis of Edward Lazarus's book on the inner conflict that characterize the Supreme Court. Looking specifically at a case having to do with desegregation and the issue of the death penalty, the writer outlines the argument that Lazarus makes relative to the internal dissension within the Court. No additional sources cited.
Filename: 99clcham.wps

Morality & Law
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Reconciling personal morality with the letter of the law in issues of criminality often comes into play when considering legal ordinances and their constitutionality. More often then not, though, the moral arguments are more compelling and often mark the perceptions of the populous. This 6 page paper provides an overview of a legal issue regarding the societal perspectives on morality and the application of an 'anti-smut' ordinance designed to prevent the pursuit of certain religious beliefs and the display of a pertinent statue in a small community. This paper considers both sides of the issue and then relates the most compelling legal (not constitutional) arguments as they are related through the theories of John Stuart Mill, Lord Patrick Devlin, and Graham Hughes. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: Moralaw.wps

Did Satan Play a Role in the Creation of the U.S. Constitution?
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This 5 page paper looks at the possibility that critics of the Constitution who claim that it has an underlying evil intonation are right. Freedom of religion and slavery are examined in respect to this problem posed by a student. The paper concludes by looking at the opposing view. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: SA020Con.rtf

Machiavelli / Influence On The Federalist Papers
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A 6 page research paper on Machiavelli's influence on the Federalist Papers. The writer details Machiavelli's political txes, and the similarities in the Constitution and the Federalist apologies for it. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: Machfed.wps

John Grisham & The Theme of Law
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6 pages discussion the consistency of law as a theme in the works of contemporary author John Grisham ('A Time to Kill,' 'The Client,' 'Pelican Brief,' 'The Chamber,' etc;. Bibliography lists 5 sources. FREE thesis-orientated outline included.
Filename: Grisham.wps

John Grisham's 'The Chamber' / Control of the KKK
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An 8 page paper that considers the role of the Ku Klux Klan in Mississippi from 1967 to 1990 and the way in which the Klan influenced the events in Grisham's The Chamber. No additional sources cited.
Filename: Grischam.wps

An Enlightening Symposium / Philosophy In World Literature
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An 8 page transcript of an imaginary symposium set in an eternal 'now' in which Jean-Baptiste Moliere, Mme. de Lafayette, Jonathan Swift, Fran�ois Voltaire, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Charlotte Bronte, and a Moderator discuss their philosophies. Special attention is given to the dichotomy of reason versus passion, and of the individual versus society. No sources.
Filename: Panel.wps

Martha Minow/'Inclusion, Exclusion and American Law'
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A 5 page analysis of Martha Minow's book Making all the difference: inclusion, exclusion and American Law. Minow addresses the dichotomy faced by courts when dealing with the victims of discrimination. No additional sources cited.
Filename: 99minow.wps

Augustinian Laws And Women
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8 pages in length. The philosophy in question is that of Augustinianism, the theory of Christian Idealism, which is based upon the theology of Augustine of Hippo (354-430) who is considered to be the greatest theologian of the early church. His theory is that of reality, absolute theism. Reality is God, who is Being. Being is good; non-Being is evil. He wrote that God has personality and gives reality to phenomena. As the Supreme Person, God exercises perfect will by which the world is created from nothing. The writer discusses how there were significant patriarchal underpinnings when it came to the treatment of women under Roman law, which effectively forced the female gender into a life of prostitution. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: TLCrmnlw.wps

Family Law in the United Kingdom
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This 14 page report discusses developments in family law in the UK and in what ways they have worked to bring about a greater equality of the sexes. Property relations, child custody, alimony, and child support are discussed in relationship to divorce. Traditionally, family law in the UK has not been particularly sympathetic to the problems of women and children in situations of divorce nor do the courts typically provide adequate legal safeguards for either their safety of their financial support. Bibliography lists 11 sources.
Filename: BWuklaw.rtf

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