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Papers On Health Care
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Telemedicine in Rural Communities
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This 10 page paper provides an overview of the current literature regarding the use of telemedicine and the impacts that this emerging service focus has on improving healthcare in rural communities. This paper assesses 10 references selected on the topic and outlines their utility for a study on this subject. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: MHTelmed.wps

The Advent of Modern Medicine
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A 9 page research paper which looks at what is generally meant by the term 'modern medicine.' The writer demonstrates how this term can vary according to whether one is looking at certain key philosophical changes or actual advancements in practical applications. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: Modmed.wps

The Application of the Theory of Constraints in the Medication Delivery Systems in a Hospital
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This 6 page paper provides an overview of the Theory of Constraints, a management technique utilized to determine a cost-effective approach which is frequently incorporated with activity-based costing to improve short-term performance. This paper applies the Theory of Constraints (TOC) to the management of medication delivery systems in a hospital setting. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: MHconstr.wps

The Concept of Distributive Justice As Applied to Healthcare:
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6 pages in length. This paper discusses the right of the patient to direct his or her medical care and health outcome, known as patient autonomy, and the right of society to control and allocate "limited resources", known as distributive justice, will certainly collide. In an ideal world, or in an egalitarian society, all individuals would have access to healthcare. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: JGApatnt.wps

The Corporate Compliance Plan in a Multi-Specialty Group Practice
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A 15 page paper discussing the benefits and role of the corporate compliance plan. This document type arose from the federal government's intense scrutiny of health care organizations active in Medicare and Medicaid for the purpose of detecting and prosecuting fraudulent billing practices. Viewing the compliance plan as only that prevents it from being as useful as it could be, however, particularly as an administrative management tool. The paper provides some background on its origins and discusses its benefits from both the oganization's and the individual's views. Bibliography lists 13 sources.
Filename: KScorpComp.wps

The Cost of Managed Care
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This is a 5 page paper that examines the emergence of the managed care system within the United states as a natural outcome of the pay-for service system of the past and the rising cost of health care, due in large part to advancing technology. It looks at some of the more common criticisms of managed care and gives one doctor's perspective as a staff member and patient. It concludes with a recommendation that solutions to the criticisms be found and alternatives implemented. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: Costman.wps

The Costs of Obesity
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A 5 page paper discussing the costs of obesity, not only in terms of dollar amounts but also in terms of psychological effects. The surgeon general recently announced that more than 60 percent of Americans are clinically obese. Obesity has long been linked with diabetes and heart disease as a risk factor, but now cancer has been added to the list as well. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: KSobesity.rtf

The Demise of the Community Hospital
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A 15 page paper on the demise of community hospitals through mergers with larger systems. The paper discusses this topics and also other options incorporated by smaller institutions, including merging with other similar institutions and specializing in specific fields. Bibliography lists 15 sources.
Filename: Commhosp.wps

The Dental Industry in Australia
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This 8 page paper considers the framework and condition of dental care in Australia. The duel system of public and private care is discussed with an emphasis is on the inadequacies of the public system and the problems which may be faced when a health care cared holder needs to visit a dentist. The paper includes evidence such as statistics to back up arguments made. Some solutions are considered at the end of the paper. The bibliography cites 6 sources.
Filename: TEdental.wps

The Differences Between HMOs and PPOs / Positive & Negative
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This 18 page report discusses health maintenance organizations (HMO) and Preferred Provider Organizations (PPO) from the viewpoint of their difference, what the published literature has said about the two, and the development of an informational experiment evaluating a certain factor related to the two. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Filename: HMO1.wps

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