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Papers On Medieval Times
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Illuminated Glory/The Apocalypse of St. John
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A 7 page research paper that addresses the role that these books played in medieval culture. The writer argues that modern readers tend to look at medieval art and culture and interpret it according to a modern perspective. However, this is frequently not the case, as the medieval worldview differs markedly from a contemporary perspective. Nowhere is this more evident than the role that illuminated manuscripts, and books in general, played within medieval society. This examination of medieval illuminated manuscript production, focusing on depictions of the Apocalypse of St. John, illustrates this point. The last two pages of this research pertain to parchment paper production. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: khilman.rtf

Impacts of Disease Throughout History: The Evolution of Understanding and Treatment
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An 11 page overview of the impact of disease on world cultures. Correlates the impact on traditional cultures and the way those cultures dealt with that impact with advances in modern medicine. Emphasizes the impact of disease on the Americas and specifically on the Native American inhabitants of the Americas. Describes common European diseases which either directly or indirectly impacted the Americas and our contemporary, verses our traditional, understanding of those diseases and their treatment. Includes a one page Roman numeral outline. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: PPdiseaT.rtf

Islam/Effect on Church Prior to Crusades
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A 7 page research paper that examines the rich heritage of medieval Moorish Spain and how it influenced Christian Europe. The writer discusses the outpouring of knowledge from Arabic sources that occurred when Christians conquered Toledo. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: kheffisl.rtf

Jacques Gernet/ "Daily Life in China"
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A 5 page analysis of Gernet's book Daily Life in China, in which dispels some commonly held Western misconceptions about Chinese history. No additional sources cited.
Filename: khgernet.wps

John of Salisbury/Medieval Political Thought
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A 9 page research paper that summarizes the political theory of John of Salisbury, the most influential political theorist of the twelfth century and relates it to his time. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: khjonsal.rtf

Julian of Norwich
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A 5 page essay/research paper that, first of all, gives a brief biography of Julian of Norwich, a fourteenth century mystic and theologian. The remainder of the paper looks at Julian's book Revelations of Divine Love, giving a brief overview of her theological stance. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: khjulian.rtf

Leadership and Individuality in Medieval Times
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This 4 page paper delves into various concepts concerning religion and leadership as it respects the Middle Ages. Machiavelli is the primary focus of this paper. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Filename: SA527led.rtf

Letters of Abelard and Heloise
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A 4 page research paper that looks at the letters exchanged between Peter Abelard and his wife Heloise. The writer outlines their tragic story and then argues that the letters reveal a great deal about how marriage was changing in the Middle Ages. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: khabehel.rtf

Louis the Pious
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A 5 page essay on Charlemagne's only legitimate son. The writer posits that although Louis was a weak governor in many ways, which resulted in his failure to unite Germany, he instilled within all of the Germanic tribes the desire for study. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: Luispios.wps

Love & Knowledge/Writing of 3 Medieval Theologians
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A 9 page essay that contrasts and compares the writing of 3 medieval theologians. At their most fundamental level, the writing of medieval theologians Thomas Aquinas, Bernard of Clairvaux and Saint Bonaventure are in agreement with each other in that they each perceive the relation between love and knowledge as being intrinsically intertwined and interconnected with the context of human experience. However, in the centuries since the medieval period, the mindset or worldview of Western civilization has changed, as defining precepts moved from a focus on God towards a focus on rationality. Consequently, the scholasticism of the Middle Ages is often difficult for the modern reader to fully appreciate or understand. Due to this fact, the writing of Bernard of Clairvaux provides the most compelling account of the relationship between love and knowledge as it fits better with the modern worldview that still tends to rely on the rational perspective of the Enlightenment. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: khlkmed.rtf

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