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Papers On Education
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Emerging Views on School Vouchers and School Choice
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A 20 page paper discussing the steady gains being made in approval of the concept of using tax-funded vouchers for families to place their children in schools of their own choice, even private ones and even religious-based private schools. The goal is to improve true educational outcomes and to provide approaches to education that can work for all students, rather than only some percentage of them. Without the intrusion of crisis, there is little reason to change the status quo in any area, whether that area be business, personal relationships or public school structure. The voucher debate presents that crisis point from which public schools can begin to be truly reformed and lifted out from under the burden of bureaucracy. All can benefit, but none more than our children who deserve the best education we can provide. The current situation is far from the 'best,' a point on which supporters and opponents of vouchers can heartily agree. Bibliography lists 22 sources.
Filename: KSvouch.wps

Emotional Characteristics Of Creative/Gifted Children
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5 pages in length. There is nothing inherently wrong with being smart, unless the individual is a child who does not understand why he or she is having difficulty fitting in to his or her age group. Gifted children often feel shunned from others because they cannot readily relate to them on the same academic level; many gifted children are pushed forward into higher grades with classmates much older and, thereby, have even less in common with them. Indeed, the double-edged sword of being a gifted child lends itself to a multitude of confusing emotions � particularly in the adolescent stage � when it comes to fitting in with his or her peers. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: TLCgfted.rtf

Emotional Development And School: How Are The Two Related?
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7 pages in length. Emotional development � the basis upon which an individual's entire sense of self is formulated � is achieved through myriad sources, not the least of which is within the educational environment. Teachers wield tremendous power when it comes to empowering students with the necessary emotional tools to face life on both a personal and professional level. Without educator involvement, students are cheated out of one of the most influential aspects of emotional development. Bibliography lists 11 sources.
Filename: TLCemdev.wps

Emotional Growth Boarding Schools: Beneficial or Harmful?
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A 5 page paper which discusses emotional growth boarding schools across the country. The paper primarily addresses the CADU schools. The paper presents information, examining whether these boarding schools are beneficial or harmful to students. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: RAbrding.rtf

Employee Training: An Interview with the Head of a Medium Sized Technology Based Firm
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An 8 page discussion of the importance of employee training. Based partially on a literature review this paper presents its points as though many were obtained in an interview with a fictional human resources manager at a medium-sized high technology organization. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: PPtrainI.rtf

Employment Outcomes for Minority Students
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7 pages in length. Many schools today offer school-to-work initiatives which serve the purpose of helping students prepare for their futures outside of the classroom environment. School-to-work initiatives have been found to be extremely productive in giving students a chance to try different occupations and get an idea of what they want to do with their lives. But do these programs help all the students equally? Many studies show that minority students do not have the same opportunity to take advantage of the school-to-work programs; this paper takes a look at the issue. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: JGAschwk.wps

Employment Outcomes of Ex-Offender JTPA Trainees
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This 6 page report discusses an article with the above title that examines the relationship between trainees participating in the JTPA programs who were ex-offenders and had been incarcerated compared to non-offenders who faced other barriers to employment. Not surprisingly, research generally supported the assumption that those without an arrest record were typically thought of more highly, regardless of the qualifications or experience of a person who had been convicted of a crime. Yet a surprisingly little amount of research has actually been done on the issue. No secondary sources.
Filename: BWjtpa.wps

English as a Second Language Education in Five States
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This 6 page paper looks at legislation and LEP programs in the states of Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania and the District of Columbia. Laws in each state are compared and contrasted. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: SA148ESL.rtf

English As A Second Language: Summary And Reaction For High School Students
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5 pages in length. Learning English as a second language represents a conquerable challenge for many foreigners; while it may prove somewhat difficult along the way, these individuals are culturally, economically and emotionally ready and able to acquire this secondary language as a means by which to better their existence. For Juan, however, it was an entirely different matter. The writer discusses the shortcomings of America's English as a Second Language courses. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Filename: TLCEng2.rtf

English Education Over The Last 100 Years And Effect Of Drama
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A 20 page paper. Part A provides an overview of education over the last 100 years beginning with the Committee of Ten. The emphasis is on English education. Part B discusses how drama has been and is being used in English and language arts classes. Experts discussed include Heathcote, Spolin, Applebee, and Courtney, among others. Bibliography lists 23 sources.
Filename: PGengdr.rtf

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