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Papers On Health Care
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Patient's Rights To Choose Health Care Providor
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A 7 page paper arguing that all Americans should have the right to choose their own health care provider. The writer describes why health care is a moral right, other factors contributing to health care reform, and reform plans to make choice possible. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Filename: Healthcr.wps

Patient/Medical Personnel Interaction After Miscarriage: Preventing Emotional Trauma From Innocent Comments From Inadequately Informed Medical Personnel
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A 16 page discussion of the measures which can be implemented to ensure that patients suffering from miscarriages, or the threat of miscarriage, are not further emotionally impacted from innocent statements about their pregnancy from inadequately informed medical personnel. Reviews nursing theory which would be useful in developing policies to prevent such incidents from happening. Suggests that nurses provide the most hope in terms of such policy development. Nurses have the capability to provide critical input and to voice need. Nurses are in effect mechanisms for change. They not only have this ability, however, they have the ethical responsibility. Bibliography lists 13 sources.
Filename: PPnrsMsc.wps

Patients� Perceptions of the Long-Term Effects of Uncontrolled Blood Glucose
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This 15 page report discusses both physical and mental issues associated with the effects of uncontrolled blood glucose. Resulting health conditions such as diabetes, renal failure, and other problems are outline. The importance of personal patient responsibility and attitude is also presented. Bibliography lists 16 sources.
Filename: BWglucos.rtf

Paul Starr's "Social Transformation Of American Medicine": Book Two
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6 pages in length. Book Two of Paul Starr's "Social Transformation of American Medicine" describes the troubles and turmoil faced by Americans from the turn-of-the-century to contemporary times as the nation sought to provide viable medical assistance for its people. The five chapters that comprise this second section of Starr's book support the author's comprehensive investigation as to why this country's quest for medical care has been such a struggle. No additional sources cited.
Filename: TLCStarr.rtf

Pediatric Asthma:
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This 6 page paper discusses pediatric asthma in terms of who is at risk. Also, the paper discusses the best treament options and efective interventions. Bibliography lists 3 sources
Filename: GSAsthma.rtf

Perspectives in Health/Child Poverty
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A 5 page research paper that examines the problem of poverty and how it impacts the health of the world's children. The writer takes a broad view and discusses the implications of the latest efforts of UN address the health concerns of children. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: khchhlth.rtf

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This 4-page paper provides a PEST analysis for the pharmaceutical industry in the United States. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: MTppest.rtf

Pfizer Inc.: Publics And Public Opinion
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This 5 page paper discusses Pfizer Inc. The writer identifies the different publics the company serves and comments on the inactive publics and why the company needs to consider these groups. The essay also discusses public opinion and how Pfizer is attempting to change the negative opinion Americans hold towards pharmaceutical companies. Finally, the writer comments on the effectiveness of the companies messages to the public. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: PGpzrpr.rtf

Pharmaceutical Industry
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This 7 page paper discusses the global pharmaceutical industry. The essay begins with a general overview of this industry, the types of companies within the industry, mergers and consolidations of companies and the primary reasons for these mergers. The writer also comments on the world market share held by U.S. corporations and comments on the profitability of pharmaceutical companies. The essay then explains that the industry's market structure is oligopolistic with heterogeneity among the few corporations that dominate the world market. The essay also discusses the issue of pricing. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: PGphrm3.rtf

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This 7-page paper focuses on the pharmaceutical industry and how its growth has compared with business cycles from 1980-2000. The essay examines the general economic cycles during this period, and, when possible, notes revenues and growth of the pharmaceutical industry. Also discussed are recommendations on how pharmaceutical companies can work with business cycles. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: MTphacyc.rtf

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