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Papers On Internet & Related Issues
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Content Management In E-Learning
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33 pages in length. The ever-changing face of global e-commerce has called for greater efficiency when it comes to content management, a critical component of online retailers that helps maintain unstructured information found on any given Web site. This information exists in many digital forms, not the least of which include text documents, engineering drawings, XML, still images, audio/video files and many other types/formats. Modification is a primary consideration when addressing issues of content management, given the constant modification required for maintaining a current cyberlocation. This ability to constantly modify a Web site's content also carries with it a tremendous responsibility for doing so properly in relation to easy reorganization and updating. The reason why content management has become such a critical component to the success of e-commerce sites is, as Ko et al (2002) note, is because Internet/Web users are becoming more savvy with so many emerging resources. Bibliography lists 23 sources.
Filename: TLCContentE.rtf

Copyright and the Internet
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This 5 page report discusses copyright and the Internet. As issues of ownership present themselves, the legalities and principles associated with intellectual properties have gained a greater level of notoriety and concern for all parties involved. The regulatory framework governing access information must also evolve to meet the electronic world's expanding needs and applications. The writer discusses laws that apply to copyrighting on the Internet, ways the materials are used and applicable regulations, and how an individual can protect his or her own intellectual property. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: BWright.rtf

Copyright Law and the Internet
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This 8 page paper considers the position of web page content under UK laws. The paper looks at a case supplied by the student. The first issue concerns content created by a subcontractor without a written contract and who owns the copyright. The second issue looks at the copying of photographs form a different website and the last issue examines the use of copied video files and sharing them on a peer to peer programme such as Kazaa. The bibliography cites 5 sources.
Filename: TEcopyinter.rtf

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This 6-page paper involves a case study detailing moral, ethical and legal behavior on the Internet. The main topic of the paper is copyright law, and the options available to a fictitious young woman who found her photo stolen and posted over the web. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: MTcopint.rtf

Cost Accounting System for an Online Business
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A 10 page paper assessing components that should be a part of a company's cost accounting system for a new online business unit. The system will need to address several financial and nonfinancial performance measures including sales; total revenues; selling and general administrative expenses; IT expenses and rate of use; and shipping costs. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: KSacctCstOnl.rtf

Cost Advantage and Differentiation at Amazon
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This 7 page paper considers how Amazon competes and if they are able to gain competitive advantages of both cost and differentiation. The paper looks at Porters theory of competitive advantage and applies it to this online store and then examines how it operates and the level of success it has in attempting to follow both strategies. The bibliography cites 4 sources.
Filename: TEamazonca.rtf

Cost-Benefit Analysis of Increasing Tourism
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A 5 page paper providing a preliminary cost-benefit analysis of a plan to increase tourism in Columbiana, a small island nation in the Caribbean. Columbiana seeks to use tourism as its fuel for economic growth. Toward that end, it is considering constructing a Web site promoting the island nation. The purpose here is to approximate a cost-benefit analysis of the effects of increasing tourism to Columbiana, specifically as the Web site is able to positively contribute toward that end. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: KScbaTourism.rtf

Creating an Online Community College Course for High School Students
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This 7 page report discusses a case study in which a community college wants to create a course for high school seniors in a particular region outlining what students should expect regarding a college education. With an effective Internet presence, the college believes it can help these students understand the challenges of college, how to meet those challenges, and, hopefully, choose their institution as the place to begin their college career. However, marketing the community college is very much secondary to exposing students to topics such as how to choose classes, how to budget both time and finances, and choosing a major. Bibliography lists one source.
Filename: BWwebed.rtf

Critical Analysis of the SafeSurf Website
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This 10 page paper provides an overview of the SafeSurf website (www.safesurf.com), with a critical view of some of the central components. This paper considers the composition, design and utility of the website. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Filename: MHWebCri.rtf

Critical Analysis.
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(6 pp - includes annotated bibliography). The speed of transfer and delivery of information zooms along the internet. With this technology it is vital to stay informed within any profession. Yet with that same speed, comes volume, consequently critical analytical skills are essential to determine and prioritize which information can be scanned, and which information should be thoughtfully read. Five articles from professional journals provide the learning tools for this assignment. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: BBcrtAlR.doc

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