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Papers On Internet & Related Issues
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How Computers Have Changed Today's Home Lifestyle
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9 pages in length. The impact computers have had upon today's home lifestyle has been so tremendous that it is difficult to imagine a time when such modern conveniences did not exist. That people can leave for work in the morning and come home to a ready-cooked meal, program their lights to go on and off at specific times of the day and feel safe knowing their home is protected by a fully remote security system represents but a small number of computerized advancements that have literally transformed today's home lifestyle. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Filename: TLCHomeC.rtf

How The Internet Has Affected Consumerism
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8 pages in length. The vicious cycle that exists within the framework of consumerism -- the perpetual wanting of more and more materialistic tangibles until there is nothing left to appreciate -- resides within each and every person; it is a social ill that grows worse with each passing generation. Consumerism's negative influence upon modernity exemplifies the ongoing quest for betterment through change that often does not occur. One of the most obvious and damaging influences of contemporary consumerism is the overwhelming impact that the Internet has had upon children. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: TLCIntCs.rtf

How To Use The Internet To Find A Job
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A 5 page paper that explains how to use the Internet to find a job. The writer first discusses the use of the Internet for job searching, in general. Monster.com is then accesses with specific job searches conducted and the results reported. Using the Internet to find a job is becoming a commonplace event and knowing how to access this information is essential to those searching for jobs. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: PGjobmns.rtf

Hyper Text Mark up Language (HTML)
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An 8 page paper defining, explaining, and discussing the use and significance of HTML language in Internet-related technology. HTML is the language with which web pages are designed. The writer examines new programming trends, features, improvements, and techniques for making "a web page worthy of mention." Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: Html.wps

Hypertext Mark-up Language(HTML) Past and Future
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This nine page paper presents an overview of the history and workings of the HTML program. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: CWhtml.wps

Impact of the Internet on the Sports Industry
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Today, information about the sports world is immediately and abundantly available. The news, and scores, for a plethora of different types of sporting events can be accessed in any number of ways, once the fan has 'caught the wave' and begun to 'surf the Net'. Providing information, selling products and satisfying the needs of the sports fan - from the ardent football fanatic to the once in a lifetime diver - is the mission of the sports industry and the Internet is making that goal possible in new and creative ways. This 10 page paper examines the impact of new technology as evidenced by the World Wide Web and the Internet on the sports industry. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Filename: KTsportnet.wps

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This 4-page paper discusses what needs to be considered when implementing a web site for a fictious computer company. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: MTimwesi.rtf

Implementing an Intranet at a South African Air Cargo Company
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A 10 page paper discussing methods and rationale for implementing an intranet. Implementing an intranet and an Internet presence is one of the most effective measures any air cargo company in South Africa can be taking at present. SAA still controls much of the market, but many customers view its service as the lesser of the several evils available to them. Even though other South African competitors cannot be "first" in the world to offer such services, they still can be "first" in South Africa, making a positive contribution to enhancement of the industry in that nation. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Filename: KSrubDrive.wps

Implementing E-Mail Standards and Etiquette
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This 7 page paper considers the way s in which a new e-mail programme may be adopted with the use of affective and efficient e-mail policies for standards of use and etiquette. The bibliography cites 8 sources.
Filename: TEimpeml.rtf

Implementing Electronic Health Records
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This 11 page paper considers how electronic health records have been used and the lack of a single national system or model in the UK National Health Service. The paper considers how systems have been implemented, the factors for success or failure and the lessons that can be gained form the pilot projects in the UK, such as those at Hillingdon and Bradford. The bibliography cites 22 sources.
Filename: TEehrimp.rtf

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