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Papers On Internet & Related Issues
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This 14 page paper examines the problem of Internet abuse in the work place as a 'sample' to helping a company that is having this particular problem. Discussion centers around loss of productivity and increase liability to the company. Charts are included Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: MTintabu.rtf

Internet Addiction
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This is a 6 page paper discussing internet addiction. Internet addiction, also known as Internet Addiction Disorder (IAD), Internet Behavioral Dependence (IBD) or Problematic Internet Use (PIU), is considered a behavioral or social pathology similar to other nonchemical addictions such as pathological gambling, or compulsive shopping, sex or over-eating among others and has become an international concern. There are considered several different sub-types of internet addiction such as cyber-sexual addiction for those who are addicted to pornographic or sex web sites; cyber-relationship addiction for those who are addicted to online relationships; net compulsions which include internet shopping and gambling; information overload for those who compulsively surf the web or search databases; and computer addiction which is related to compulsive playing of computer games. Generally, internet addiction is assessed and treated similar to other addictive behavior which may include the 12-step program, cognitive therapy or other therapies such as expressive art therapy. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: TJintad1.rtf

Internet Advertising
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This 8 page paper is an excellent research example of internet advertising and all it involves. The advantages, disadvantages, and history of the internet, characteristics of internet advertising, as well as the future outlook of internet advertising are all included in this comprehensive well-written paper. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: JGAinadv.wps

Internet Auction Industry
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A 7 page paper that describes the Internet auction industry, including a SWOT and key success factors. The ratings of Dell's, Amazon's and eBay are included. An emphasis is placed on eBay, including recommendations for the company to maintain their dominance in this industry. 1 table is included. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: PGnetauc.rtf

Internet Banking: Its Impact Upon Bank Staff Employment
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7 pages in length. The writer discusses the impact Internet banking serves to have on staffing. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Filename: TLCintbk.wps

Internet Browsers' Telecommunications Capabilities
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An 8 page paper discussing the abilities of the products of the two most popular Internet browsers providers, Microsoft and Netscape. As the browsers increase in their visibility, it is likely that they will be judged less on obvious tasks, being judged instead on ease of use and the degree of user-friendliness they can offer. At the root of that ease of use and user-friendliness is a solid grounding in communications abilities, and the way chosen by the consumer could well be put off until after the millennium. After that, the mechanics of kinds and types of tasks the browsers will be firmly set unless the browsers evolve into their own class of operating system. Otherwise, their prime point of competition could well become centered in their telecommunications abilities. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: Browsers.wps

Internet Censorship / Shoot the Messenger
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A 6 page essay comparing two articles on the topic of Internet censorship. The Communications Decency Act, as part of the Telecommunications Act of 1996, was signed into law in February, 1996. One of these articles was published in April, one in May of the same year, and both explore some of the implications that such censorship entails. In June of the same year, a panel of Federal judges blocked the law by labeling it unconstitutional, a move that will likely be in appeal for some time to come. Bibliography includes two sources, the full text of both sources is included.
Filename: Censor.wps

Internet Censorship In China: Past And Present
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6 pages in length. The extent to which Internet censorship has become a requisite part of the entire World Wide Web experience is clearly indicative of the manner by which society's offensive element has found a way to reach its vulnerable audience. That pornography has been cited as the primary search objective on the Internet today speaks to the fact that children and adolescents are among the tremendous number of virtual onlookers visiting these sites every day. China is no stranger to this occurrence, inasmuch as Asian pornography is one of the worlds most popular and sought after commodities. Efforts to censor this decidedly harmful social element have been both significant and laborious; it sometimes seems as though the pornographic Web masters know all the tricks to bypass sophisticated obstacles. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: TLCChnSn.rtf

Internet Communication
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This 7 page paper considers the different types of communication that are available on the internet. The paper considers ICQ, mIRC, Netmeeting and e-mail, looking at the roles they perform, the similarities and the differences. The bibliography cites 6 sources.
Filename: TEcomprg.wps

Internet Crime: Examination
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15 pages in length. As the world embarks upon the new millennium, questions abound with regard to problems associated with the twenty-first century and Internet white-collar crimes. Will these problems be different than what exists now at the end of the twentieth century? Indeed not; in fact, the problems that plague contemporary technology will only continue to escalate if immediate modifications are not made to existing Internet Protocol systems. System security has become increasingly more important within the past several years, inasmuch as new and innovative methods have been developed in order to breach well-tested protective measures. That hackers can readily infiltrate any given company's entire computer system with the intent to destroy data is more than enough reason to augment security measures. Bibliography lists 15 sources.
Filename: TLCcollr.wps

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