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Papers On Mythology
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Aristotle and the Self-Sufficient Man
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A 5 page paper which discusses how Aristotle, as presented in "Politics," felt that while most men could not be self-sufficient, those who are find themselves incapable of working in common and are similar to beasts or to a god. The character of Achilles is also discussed in terms of this perspective. Bibliography list 2 sources.
Filename: RAarislf.rtf

Artemis, Demeter, Hera, and Lilith; Suitable Babysitters?
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This 5 page paper looks at these four mythological character and examines their personalities and characteristics and events in their lives to discuss their suitable for a role in caring for the young. Then bibliography cites 2 sources.
Filename: TEgodess.wps

Assessing Three Themes From The Voyage Of Cabeza De Vaca
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5 pages in length. The writer discusses the following three themes in relation to Cabeza de Vaca's voyage: how the Spaniards and Indians viewed one another; Spaniard hatred and racism toward the Indians; and assimilating into Indian culture. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: TLCdvaca.wps

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A 10 page overview of Astrology; i.e., its history, purpose(s), principles, and criticisms. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Filename: Astrolo2.wps

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An 8 page paper that provides an overview of the beliefs of atheists and considers the impacts of these believes as they relate to perspectives on religion. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: Atheism.wps

Barry Powell's "Classical Myth": Mythological Goddesses And Dominance
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5 pages in length. Whether intentional or by happenstance, mythology places goddesses at the bottom of the totem pole with regard to their status as living beings. As a means by which to control the fairer sex, mythological gods have historically created a hostile environment in which goddesses are forced to exist. Hesiod's Pandora is but one instance when a woman's beauty is employed as a ruse for death, disease and treachery. Clearly, one of the most prominent literary motifs of mythology is that of power. When determining who truly exercises power in archaic society, one first must study the ancient societies and what was important in their existence. Indeed, it can readily be argued that patriarchy ruled ancient Greece, inasmuch as the ancestral ties associated with the male gender were as strong as steel. However, not all gods were deemed acceptable to adopt a position of power, a concept that is readily apparent within the literary boundaries of Hesiod's other mythological tales. No additional sources cited.
Filename: TLChesio.wps

Bible Studies / Exegesis on Revelation
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This 5 page essay compares and contrasts the Book of Revelation, Chapter 1:4 through Chapter 3:22 across five different Bibles and also offers comments from theologians and Bible scholars and writers. These verses represent the letters to the seven churches in Asia. There is very little difference among the different Bibles, thus interpretations of what is meant by the text is offered.
Filename: Rev.wps

Can Science & Religion Coexist ?
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This 15 page paper looks at whether or not there is room for both a scientific and religious view of the world. What are the philosophies and arguments on both sides of the question? Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: Revls.wps

Carl Jung And Christ As Savior
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An 8 page paper that provides an overview of Jung's considerations regarding the essence of Christ as Savior. This paper includes religious, psychological and social correlations. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: Carljung.wps

Charlemagne According to Einhard
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A 9 page essay on Einhard's history of Charlemagne and its significance to the world today. The writer explores the military, religious, civic and personal life of Charlemagne, his expansion of France, and his relationships with others during his time. The writer also explores the reasons behind the current interest in Charlemagne, and posits that those reasons include historical preservation, religious history, and relationship to the current political situation in Europe. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: Cnchrlmg.wps

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